MC Fiscales


MC Contafiscal Servicios, has the full range of services related to payroll and social security, always complying with Mexican tax rules.

  • Calculation weekly, biweekly or monthly payroll, including salaries, benefits, subsidies (as applicable).
  • Calculation of lncome Tax, Social Security, Housing Fund and Local Taxes.
  • Calculation of Settlements, Compensations, Withholdings, Bonus, Vacations and prorit sharing.
  • Preparation of weekly, biweekly or monthly payrolls in accordance wíth the tax requirements.
  • Payroll Dispersion.
  • Determination of Payroll Tax.
  • Preparation of Social Security and INFONAVIT capture lines monthly and bimonthly.
  • Preparation of individual and collective contracts.
  • We have the support of associate lawyers who are experts in labor matters to address any legal matter in this area.
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